The Habit Heatmap app is designed to track your habits and store your data securely. This privacy policy outlines how we handle your data.
The Habit Heatmap app does not collect or transmit any personal information to external servers or third parties. All habit data is stored locally on your device and backed up to iCloud using CloudKit.
All the information you input in the app, including your habits and activity logs, is stored securely on your device and is backed up to iCloud using Apple's CloudKit. This allows you to restore your data if you switch devices or reinstall the app. Your data remains private and is only accessible to you through your iCloud account.
Habit Heatmap does not track any of your activity or usage outside the app. We respect your privacy and have no mechanisms for monitoring or collecting data outside of the iCloud backup.
You have full control over the data stored on your device and iCloud. You can delete the app and all associated data at any time by uninstalling the application. You can also manage and delete your iCloud backups directly through your iCloud settings.
We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be reflected in this document.
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, feel free to contact us at